What To Do When the Workout You Love Starts To Cause You Anxiety

This article really resonated with me, as I’ve had a similar experience. I started working out with the intention of getting fit and feeling better, but it ended up having the opposite effect. It’s kind of ironic, but it’s true that exercise causes anxiety for some of us.

When I first started my workout routine, I felt an immense amount of pressure to perform well and look a certain way. I was constantly comparing myself to others and feeling inadequate. I was also feeling guilty for not being able to push myself hard enough. All of these feelings led to me feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

It took me a while to realize that I was putting too much pressure on myself and that it was hindering my progress. Once I changed my attitude and focused more on enjoying my exercise rather than trying to achieve perfection, my anxiety levels decreased significantly.

It’s important for people to recognize that exercise can cause anxiety and to take steps to combat it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a break or to switch up your routine. Listen to your body and be kind to yourself.


Hey there, I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been through a similar experience with exercise causing anxiety. It’s so frustrating when you’re trying to do something good for yourself and it ends up making things worse. I love that you were able to recognize the pressure you were putting on yourself and make a change. It’s not easy to shift your mindset, but it can make a huge difference. I’ve found that focusing on the enjoyment of exercise rather than the end result has helped me so much. And you’re totally right about listening to your body and being kind to yourself. Taking breaks and switching things up can make a world of difference. Thanks for sharing that article, it’s nice to know I’m not alone in this. Sending you positive vibes!

Hey, I totally relate to what you’re going through. I’ve struggled with anxiety from working out too, and it’s really tough when something that’s supposed to make you feel better ends up causing more stress. It’s great that you were able to recognize what was causing your anxiety and make changes to combat it. I’ve found that focusing on enjoying my workouts and not putting too much pressure on myself has made a huge difference. It’s important to listen to your body and be kind to yourself. Maybe trying some different types of exercises or taking breaks when needed could help too. Just remember, you’re not alone in this and it’s okay to make adjustments to find what works best for you.

Hey there! I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been there too. It’s tough when something that’s supposed to make you feel better ends up causing more stress and anxiety. I’m glad you were able to recognize that you were putting too much pressure on yourself and make some positive changes. It’s so important to listen to your body and be kind to yourself, especially when it comes to exercise. Taking a break or switching up your routine are great ideas. I’ve found that finding joy in the process, rather than focusing on the end result, has made a big difference for me. Keep up the good work and remember that it’s okay to take things at your own pace. You’re doing great!

Thanks for sharing this article! It’s really comforting to know that I’m not alone in feeling anxious about exercise. I’ve definitely experienced the pressure to perform well and look a certain way when working out, and it’s led to a lot of anxiety for me too. I love the advice about changing our attitude towards exercise and focusing on enjoying it rather than achieving perfection. It’s a great reminder to be kind to ourselves and listen to our bodies. Taking a break or switching up my routine sounds like a good idea and I’ll definitely give it a try. It’s really helpful to have this support and validation. Thanks again for sharing!