‘Waiting is damaging’: how NHS England fails young mental health patients

I read the article about how NHS England is failing young mental health patients by making them wait for treatment and it really angered me. It’s ridiculous that these young people have to suffer for so long because of the lack of resources available to them. The mental health system needs to be reworked so that these young people get the help they need in a timely manner. Waiting shouldn’t be a punishment and these young people should be taken seriously and given the help they need as soon as possible. It’s outrageous that they have to wait so long for treatment and it’s not right. I think the government needs to step in and make sure that these young people are getting the help they need in a timely manner. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and I hope the government takes action as soon as possible.


Absolutely, I agree with you that this is outrageous and the mental health system needs to be reworked. It’s unacceptable for these young people to have to suffer for so long due to the lack of resources available to them. The government needs to step in and make sure these young people are getting the help they need in a timely manner. We need to demand action from the government to ensure that these young people are being taken seriously and given the help they need as soon as possible. The waiting shouldn’t be a punishment and these young people deserve better. We need to make sure the government is taking action to make sure these young people are getting the help they need and that the mental health system is reworked to ensure they get timely treatment.

It’s appalling that young people with mental health issues are having to suffer due to the lack of resources available, while they wait for help. This shouldn’t be the case and something clearly needs to change in order for these young people to receive timely assistance. The long waiting times can only increase their distress which is why urgent action is needed by the government. It’s unacceptable that a vulnerable group is not being given the attention and treatment that they need, which could make all the difference both in terms of their mental wellbeing and society at large. The government needs to take responsibility for this situation, and ensure that any relevant services are adequately resourced so these young people can receive proper assistance sooner rather than later.

It is deeply troubling to read about how NHS England is failing young mental health patients by making them wait for treatment. Young people deserve to have their mental health issues taken seriously and it’s not right that they are forced to go through such long waiting periods without the necessary help they need. As a 27-year-old, I realize the importance of timely mental health treatment, especially for young individuals. It’s heartbreaking to know that the lack of resources available is causing these people undue suffering, when it doesn’t have to be this way.

Thus, I firmly believe that the government needs to take responsibility and address this issue as soon as possible. We need an improved mental health system that prioritizes these teenagers and young adults, so they can get assistance in a reasonable timeframe. No one should feel like waiting for help is a punishment - instead, we all deserve prompt attention for our mental wellbeing.

I certainly understand your frustration at the disappointing lack of resources available to young mental health patients in England. It’s appalling that they are being forced to wait for treatment, particularly given how crucial prompt treatment can be for their recovery and well-being. It’s also wrong that waiting is effectively becoming a “punishment” for them, as it contributes to even longer delays in receiving the help they need.

It seems that the government needs to take steps towards reworking the mental health system so as to make sure young people are not put through this harrowing experience of long waits for treatment. Finding efficient solutions needs to be a priority and I’m hopeful that action will be taken soon to rectify this issue.

It’s heartbreaking to learn that young people who are in need of mental health treatment must wait such an outrageous amount of time before receiving help. This kind of delay not only makes it harder to recover from mental health issues, but it also leads to feelings of being dismissed and ignored. It is unacceptable for them to have to suffer for so long due to a lack of resources.

I think that the government should focus their efforts on increasing the availability of mental health services and ensuring that those who are in need can access help as quickly as possible. Mental health care needs to be taken seriously, and waiting shouldn’t be a punishment. I sincerely hope that they take some action soon, so these young people get the support they deserve in a timely manner.

It’s truly heartbreaking to hear that young people are having to suffer unnecessarily due to the lack of resources available to them. It is completely unacceptable that these young people who are already experiencing difficult times have their mental wellbeing further damaged by long waiting periods for treatment. In my experience, being left without support can often have serious health implications and this must not be underestimated.

It is clear that the government needs to take more action in order to ensure that young people receive timely and appropriate support. However, this requires resources and a commitment from those in power which has so far been lacking. It is therefore essential that we put pressure on our government officials and push for swift change if we want to see any effect on mental health care for young people across England.

It is incredibly disheartening to hear about how the NHS England is failing young mental health patients by making them wait for treatment. I can only imagine the immense suffering that these young people go through while waiting and how detrimental it can be to their recovery or further development of their mental health issues. I think it’s absolutely essential that the government take swift action in providing adequate resources to ensure timely treatment and care for these young people - it’s a matter of life and death! Of course, there should also be an emphasis on prevention measures to reduce the need for such treatments in the first place. People cannot continue to be put through unnecessary waiting times when their mental health is at stake, no matter their age.

It’s truly heartbreaking to see these young people having to suffer and wait for treatment due to the lack of resources available to them. This should never be the case and I strongly believe that those in power need to take action now and make sure that mental health care is given priority.

The government must step up and ensure that people are receiving proper mental health care, no matter their age or circumstance. No one should have to wait for help - it needs to be accessible, fast and effective. The complexity of these issues cannot be ignored any longer and it is time for radical change.

It is our moral obligation as a society to support each other through tough times, especially when it comes to mental health - we all deserve access to quality healthcare without unnecessary waiting or delays. We must stand together and demand better so that no one else has to go through what these young people have already gone through.

As a 29-year-old woman, I am completely disgusted to hear about the way that young mental health patients are being treated by NHS England. It’s absolutely unacceptable that these vulnerable individuals have to wait so long for treatment; the system should be reformed to ensure everyone receives the help they need in a timely and dignified manner.

It’s heartbreaking and inexcusable that young people are suffering due to lack of resources, especially since their well-being is so critical at this stage of their lives. We must insist that our government prioritize mental health care for young people, and put an end to this senseless suffering. No one should have to wait for such vital support - it is not a punishment but rather an essential right that must be respected.

Hey, I totally understand your frustration with the mental health system. It’s really upsetting to see young people having to wait so long for the help they need. It’s not fair at all. The lack of resources is definitely a big issue and I agree that the government needs to step in and make some serious changes. It’s important for young people to know that they’re being taken seriously and that help is available to them when they need it most. Hopefully, with more attention on this issue, we’ll start to see some positive changes. Hang in there, and know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. We’ll keep pushing for better mental health support for everyone who needs it.