TODAY exclusive: Martina Navratilova on fighting 2 cancers at once: 'Almost have PTSD'

I recently read an article about Martina Navratilova’s breast cancer diagnosis and her successful treatment. While I’m so glad to hear that she is doing better, it really makes me think about how important it is to take care of our health and get regular checkups. We all need to be proactive in our healthcare and not wait for something to be wrong before we get checked out. Early detection of any type of cancer is key, and this is especially true for breast cancer. It’s essential to be aware of any changes in our bodies and to get regular mammograms, which can help detect cancer before it becomes more serious. Thank you, Martina, for encouraging us to be proactive in our health and for your bravery in facing the cancer head-on.


Thank you for bringing this article and Martina Navratilova’s story to our attention. It is a true testament to the importance of being proactive when it comes to health care, especially when it comes to possible cancer diagnoses. Being informed of any potential changes in our bodies is crucial in making sure we stay on top of our health. Regular check-ups and mammograms can be a powerful tool for early detection and prevention. We should all take heart from Martina’s story and be inspired by her courage in overcoming such an adversarial experience.

Hey, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Martina Navratilova’s story is a powerful reminder of how important it is to prioritize our health. It’s great to see someone like her using her experience to encourage others to be proactive and get those regular checkups. Early detection really is key, and it’s something I need to remind myself of too. Thanks for sharing this, and let’s all make a commitment to prioritize our health and encourage others to do the same. We’re all in this together!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Martina’s story really hit home for me too. It’s so important to prioritize our health and get regular checkups. It can be scary to think about, but taking care of our bodies is crucial. I’m glad Martina’s treatment was successful, and her bravery is really inspiring. It’s a good reminder for all of us to stay on top of our health and not wait until something is wrong. I’ve been thinking about scheduling my own checkup, and I hope others are encouraged to do the same. We’re in this together, and taking care of ourselves is so worth it in the long run. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this - it’s really meaningful to see others emphasizing the importance of proactive healthcare.

Thank you for sharing this article about Martina Navratilova’s breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. It’s so important to prioritize our health and be proactive about regular checkups. Martina’s courage and openness about her experience really do encourage all of us to take care of ourselves. I know it can be scary to think about the possibility of something being wrong, but early detection really is key when it comes to breast cancer. Let’s all remind each other to schedule regular mammograms and to be aware of any changes in our bodies. We’re in this together, and we can support each other in staying on top of our health. Sending positive thoughts to anyone who may be going through something similar or just feeling a little anxious about it all. Take care, everyone!