Taming the Unexpected: Dealing with an Anxiety Attack

An anxiety attack can come on quickly, leaving you feeling like you have no control over your mind or body. It can seem overwhelming, but there are techniques available to help start bringing the situation back into a manageable place.

One of the most important things you can do to help take control of an anxiety attack is to take deep breaths; this helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and bring relaxation back to your body and mind. Once I get myself breathing deeply, I try focusing my attention on something positive that calms me down. This could be a happy memory from my childhood or picturing myself in a peaceful setting like a beach or forest.

I also find grounding myself into my immediate environment helps remind me of where I’m at and what’s real. It can be useful to verbalize these pictures or memories out loud so that you’re simply telling yourself it’s ok instead of getting lost in the anxious state of your thoughts.

Even though it was difficult when I first started experiencing these attacks, I now know that by calming down and reigning in my thoughts to the present moment, an anxiety attack doesn’t have to last long and will eventually lessen with time. With practice, it’ll become more normal for me recognize early warning signs and be able to respond quickly with tried-and-tested calming strategies as soon as possible.


I totally sympathize with you! I know how overwhelming it can be to have an anxiety attack, and it can seem like you don’t have control. But I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t need to take over your life.

It’s important to first focus on getting yourself breathing deeply, as this will help activate the parasympathetic nervous system and bring calming feelings back into your body and mind. Then, focus on something positive that calms you down. It could be a happy memory from your childhood or picturing yourself in a peaceful setting such as a beach or forest. This really helps me remain grounded and reminds me of where I’m at and what’s real.

By managing my anxiety over the years, I discovered that by calming down and reigning in my thoughts to the present moment, an anxiety attack doesn’t have to last for long. With practice, it has become easier for me to recognize early warning signs and react quickly with strategies that work for me. It can sometimes feel overwhelming but if we stay determined, we can get through it together!

I can totally relate to how you’re feeling. I’ve been through anxiety attacks and understand just how overpowering it can be in the moment. Taking deep breaths is definitely key - it can take some practice, but taking a few seconds to do so really helps clear your head and push away the anxiousness. Having something positive to focus on - like memories or images of tranquil settings - has helped me take control too.

When my mind races, grounding myself in my environment is also helpful. Like looking around the room or verbalizing what I’m doing helps brings me back to reality. It sounds cliche, but reminding myself that this too shall pass eventually does help me stay steady.

It may have taken some time for me to get the hang of it, but now I’m more prepared when anxiety hits and it isn’t as bad as before. I hope you find comfort in knowing that there are strategies for managing an anxiety attack, even if they take a bit of trial and error at first! Good luck!

I understand how daunting anxiety attacks can be. I remember when I was first starting to experience them, it felt like my thoughts, feelings and emotions were completely out of control. It can be difficult to take back the reins in that situation and everything seems so overwhelming.

The deep breathing technique has been incredibly helpful for me for calming down during an attack. When my pulse starts to race, I take several slow, deep breaths and focus on something positive or calming that helps to bring me back to a more relaxed state. For instance, it might be thinking of a happy memory from my childhood or picturing myself in nature. That helps me slow down my thoughts and focus on the present moment instead of getting lost in anxiousness.

I also find speaking out loud about these peaceful memories really helps ground me into the reality of the situation and remind myself that it will pass eventually with time. Learning how to do this takes practice but with time you’ll soon become more confident at recognizing early warning signs and using your own techniques to help manage each episode quickly and effectively.

Hi there,

As a 50-year-old woman, I totally understand how anxiety attacks can catch you off guard and feel like you have no control. It’s hard to get back on top of your thoughts when the feelings start to get overwhelming.

I have been in situations like this before and it is possible to gain control and rid yourself of those anxious feelings. When an attack first starts, I take deep breaths - counting each inhale and exhale set if necessary - helps me regain my composure. I also like to focus on a positive moment from my past or imagine myself in some sort of calming environment until I start feeling a bit calmer. It’s been very helpful for me to verbalize what my positives are out loud so that I’m not so caught up in the anxious state of my thoughts.

Though it’s easier said than done at times, it’s important to remember that these episodes are not permanent. They can be managed with practice and by responding with calming strategies quickly when we first start experiencing symptoms.
Take care!

Hey friend, I totally understand what you’re going through. Anxiety attacks can be really overwhelming, but it’s great that you’ve found some techniques that work for you. Deep breathing and focusing on positive memories or imagery can make a big difference in helping to calm down. Grounding techniques are also super helpful for bringing you back to the present moment. I’ve found that with practice, these strategies can really make a difference in how long an anxiety attack lasts and how intense it feels. Keep at it, and remember that it’s okay to reach out for help when you need it. You’re not alone in this, and you’re doing a great job in finding ways to manage your anxiety. Hang in there, buddy.

Hey, thanks for sharing your experiences with anxiety attacks. It can definitely feel like everything’s spinning out of control when it hits, but your tips for managing it are really helpful. Deep breathing and focusing on something positive have been game-changers for me too. I also find that reminding myself where I am and what’s real helps ground me during an attack. It’s awesome to hear that with practice, you’ve been able to recognize the early warning signs and respond quickly. That’s a huge accomplishment! Keep up the good work, and remember that you’re not alone in this. We’re all here to support each other through these tough times.

Thank you so much for sharing this. I can totally relate to what you’re going through. It’s really tough when anxiety attacks hit, but it’s great that you have found some techniques that work for you. Deep breathing has been a game changer for me too. And I love your idea of focusing on positive and calming thoughts. I also find grounding myself in the moment to be super helpful. It’s so reassuring to hear that with time, the attacks become more manageable. Keep practicing those calming strategies and don’t forget to give yourself credit for how far you’ve come. You’re not alone in this!

Hey, man, I hear you. I’ve been dealing with anxiety attacks too, and it’s a rough ride. Taking deep breaths has been a game changer for me, it’s like a signal to my body that everything is going to be okay. And focusing on positive thoughts or memories really helps to shift my focus away from the panic. Grounding techniques are great too, like feeling the chair beneath me or noticing the sounds around me. It’s taken some practice, but I’ve found that with time and sticking to these strategies, the attacks have lessened and become more manageable. You’re doing great just by reaching out and being open to trying new things. Keep it up!

Thank you for sharing your tips for managing anxiety attacks. I can relate to feeling like I have no control when an attack comes on, but I’ve found deep breathing and focusing on positive thoughts to be really helpful too. It’s reassuring to hear that with practice, these strategies become more effective and that the attacks can lessen over time. I’m going to try verbalizing my calming thoughts out loud next time, that sounds like a great idea. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in this and that there are things I can do to help myself. Thanks again for sharing your experience and tips!

Hey, I totally get what you’re going through. Anxiety attacks can be so overwhelming, but it’s good to hear that you’ve found some techniques that help. Deep breathing and focusing on positive thoughts or memories are really effective for me too. I also find that grounding myself in the present moment is super important. It’s great that you’ve been able to learn how to recognize the early warning signs and respond quickly. It’s a process, but you’re making progress and that’s what matters. Keep practicing those calming strategies, and remember that you’re not alone in this. We’re all here to support each other through it.

Hey, I know exactly what you’re going through. I’ve had my fair share of anxiety attacks and it can feel like the world is closing in on you. The deep breathing thing really works for me too, it’s like hitting the reset button for my mind and body. I also like to picture myself in my happy place, like chilling on a hammock by the beach. It helps to take my mind off the panic. And grounding yourself in the present is so important, it’s like a reality check for your brain. It’s reassuring to hear that with practice, the attacks can become less intense and easier to handle. Thanks for sharing your tips, it’s good to know I’m not alone in this. Hang in there, we got this!

Hey, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Anxiety attacks can be so overwhelming and out of nowhere, and it can feel like there’s no way to regain control. But I’ve found that deep breathing and focusing on positive, calming thoughts really does help. It’s like giving your body and mind a little reset button. And grounding myself in the present moment has been a game changer for me. It’s like a reminder that this anxiety attack isn’t everything, and I can get through it. It’s amazing how with practice, these techniques really do start to make a difference. Hang in there, you’re not alone in this!