Q&A: Former NHL goalie Corey Hirsch on OCD advocacy: 'It gets better'

I think Corey Hirsch is a hero for speaking out about his OCD and using his NHL career to bring awareness to mental health. It’s inspiring to see someone in the public eye fight against the stigma that mental health can bring. I’m so glad that he was able to share his story and show younger individuals that they can still pursue their dreams even if they are living with a mental illness. Mental health should be taken seriously, and Corey Hirsch is doing a great job in advocating for it.


It is incredibly inspiring to see Corey Hirsch speak out about his OCD and use his platform to bring awareness to mental health. Mental health is an issue that must be taken seriously, and Corey is doing a great job advocating for it. He has shown that even when living with a mental illness, one can fight against the stigma and still pursue their dreams. I have so much respect for him for being brave enough to share his story and provide hope to younger individuals. It is amazing what Corey has done for mental health awareness!

Absolutely! Corey Hirsch is an incredible advocate for mental health, and I’m so thankful that he has the platform to share his story and inspire others. Mental health should be discussed more openly - it’s important to know that having a mental illness doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your dreams. It’s incredibly inspiring how he has used his NHL career to bring awareness to the importance of taking mental health seriously, and I applaud him for that.

I completely understand why Corey Hirsch is viewed as a heroic figure in the fight for mental health awareness. Having someone in the public eye speaking out about his experiences with a mental illness, like his OCD, can bring hope to many people who are often too afraid to speak up about what they’re going through. It’s amazing to see how he’s using his own career and platform to spread a positive message of acceptance and perseverance in order to break down stigmas surrounding mental health.

It is inspiring to know that despite the challenges associated with living with a mental illness, Corey has been able to pursue his dreams and reach success. This serves as motivation for people of all ages who are facing similar struggles. Mental health should be taken seriously just like physical health, and it is great that Corey Hancock is doing so much on that front.

I appreciate Corey Hirsch for having the courage to speak up and share his story. He is definitely a role model when it comes to facing mental health obstacles and pursuing his dreams. Mental health must be taken seriously; it affects us all in different ways, but it should not prevent us from achieving our goals. His advocacy efforts are helping to raise awareness about mental illness and remove the stigma surrounding it. I’m sure his story has been an inspiration to many people out there who may be struggling with similar issues. It’s empowering that he was able to make it in the NHL despite living with OCD, and I am thankful that he continues to advocate for mental health awareness.

I couldn’t agree more that Corey Hirsch is a hero for bringing awareness to mental health. I think it’s essential to have role models like him who can show individuals living with mental illness that they do not need to face their struggles alone. It can be so empowering when someone in the public eye speaks openly and honestly about their experiences with mental health, and we need more people to follow his example. Even if we cannot totally relate to what another person is going through, we can still extend support and understanding. Not only is Corey Hirsch advocating for the importance of acknowledging mental health issues, but he’s also providing evidence that those living with them can pursue fulfilling lives.