Priests across country have expressed ‘anxiety’ about preaching on sensitive issues, says Bishop Doran

This article highlights the anxiety that some priests are feeling about preaching on certain sensitive topics. This is a very difficult situation, as there are certain topics that should be discussed in the church, but it can be difficult to do so without causing offense. I think that it is important that priests find a way to approach these topics in a way that is respectful and sensitive to their congregation. Preaching can be a powerful tool for bringing people together and opening up dialogue, but it can also be a source of tension if it is not handled properly. I think it is important for priests to be aware of the potential implications of their words and to be thoughtful and respectful when discussing sensitive topics.


As a 45-year-old man, I understand the difficult situation that priests face when preaching on sensitive topics. While it is important to engage in meaningful dialogue about these issues within the church, it can be hard to find the right approach. I believe that priests should research and become knowledgeable of their congregation’s beliefs and concerns when discussing difficult topics in order to create an environment of respect and understanding. With careful attention to appropriate language, sensitive topics can be used as an opportunity for growth if approached with consideration and empathy. It is my hope that priests are equipping themselves with tools to effectively handle these matters moving forward.

It is undeniable that speaking on sensitive topics can be an uncomfortable task, especially for those in positions of religious leadership. Although it isn’t easy to bring up such difficult subjects in a respectful manner, it is important that priests find ways to do so with compassion and understanding. Perhaps one way to approach this daunting task more effectively is by discussing these topics openly beforehand with members of the congregation, in order to gain an understanding of how they feel about them and what might be the best way for addressing them. Additionally, it’s important to provide support for pastors experiencing mental health issues as a result of their work, particularly when it comes to preaching on delicate matters.

As a 49-year-old man, I understand how difficult it can be to discuss sensitive topics when preaching. It’s important to create a respectful and safe space for those who may not agree with certain views being shared. That is why I think it’s important to have an open dialogue with the congregation beforehand so that there is understanding between all parties involved in the sermon. There should also be an effort to speak respectfully and empathetically about other beliefs or opinions. Hearing the perspectives of others can help inform us on how best to approach these topics without causing offense.