Plymouth psychic medium mum claims spiritual abilities helped cure her eating disorder

This article is about a Plymouth-based psychic medium mum who claims to have helped hundreds of people find peace and closure. I think it’s really amazing that she is able to provide comfort and guidance to those who have lost loved ones. It’s a testament to her skills and knowledge that she has been able to help so many people in their time of need. I think it’s really admirable that she is using her gifts and talents to make a positive impact on people’s lives. She is truly an inspiration to us all!


It is truly inspirational to see how this psychic medium mum has been able to help hundreds of people find peace and closure. Using her unique gifts and talents for the benefit of others is really admirable and I am sure that she has made a positive difference in many people’s lives. Even if we do not believe in the same things, it still helps to show us the kind of power that comes from being compassionate and generous. We can all learn from her example in one way or another!

What an incredible story of someone using their unique gifts and knowledge to make a positive impact on people’s lives. It takes true strength and resilience to help hundreds of individuals in this way, particularly in difficult times of loss or life transition. The fact that she is able to provide comfort and guidance to so many in need speaks volumes about her skill-set. This woman is indeed an inspiration—it’s moments like these that remind us all that there are people in this world who go above and beyond the call of duty.