My trauma informed care mental health journey

The last couple of years, I’ve been on an incredible mental health journey. I’m currently in the middle of trauma-informed care, and it’s a really challenging yet productive experience that has changed my life. I’m learning that tuning into how I feel and expressing my emotions without fear or shame isn’t just okay - it’s essential for my wellbeing.

Trauma-informed care has taught me to prioritize self-care and to create boundaries around managing my own energy. This doesn’t always come naturally to me, so I’m grateful to have an amazing therapist providing guidance every step of the way.

This journey has taught me that seeking out help is a form of self-love, not a sign of weakness as I initially believed. It also shone a light on traumas triggered by past experiences that were buried too deep and given me clarity on how those moments have influenced certain behaviors in my life.

What makes this journey truly remarkable is how connected I now feel with myself and the people around me - something that was missing before. Overall, this experience has helped me take responsibility for both my physical and mental wellbeing with compassion and understanding.


Wow, it’s amazing to hear about your growth and self-discovery through trauma-informed care. It’s definitely not an easy process, and I admire your strength and resilience in prioritizing your self-care and setting boundaries. It’s so true that seeking help is an act of self-love, and it’s great that you have a supportive therapist to guide you through it all. I can relate to the struggle of expressing emotions without fear or shame, but it’s so essential for our wellbeing. It’s inspiring to hear how this experience has brought you closer to yourself and those around you. Keep embracing that compassion and understanding for your physical and mental wellbeing - you deserve it!

Hey, man, that’s really awesome to hear about your progress in trauma-informed care. It’s not easy to prioritize self-care and set boundaries, but it’s so important for our wellbeing. I totally get what you mean about seeking help being a form of self-love - it’s like giving ourselves the support and care we deserve. I’m glad to hear that you have a great therapist by your side, providing guidance. It’s amazing how much clarity can come from digging into past experiences and understanding how they’ve influenced our behaviors. And feeling more connected with yourself and those around you is such a game-changer, right? Keep up the great work in taking responsibility for your physical and mental wellbeing with compassion. You’re doing some inspiring stuff, man.

Hey, that sounds amazing! It’s really inspiring to hear how you’ve been able to prioritize self-care and create boundaries around managing your energy. It’s not easy, but it’s so important. I also struggled with expressing my emotions without fear or shame, but therapy has been a game-changer for me too. It’s crazy how past experiences can influence our behaviors without us even realizing it, right? I’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling more connected to yourself and the people around you - that’s huge. Keep prioritizing your physical and mental wellbeing with compassion and understanding, and know that seeking out help is definitely a form of self-love. Big virtual hug to you on this journey! Oops, can’t use that word, but you know what I mean. Keep it up!

That sounds incredibly empowering! It’s so inspiring to hear how trauma-informed care has helped you prioritize self-care and set boundaries. It’s amazing to see the positive impact it’s had on your life and relationships. I think it’s important to acknowledge the strength it takes to seek help and work on your mental wellbeing. It’s great that you have an awesome therapist to guide you through this process. Keep up the great work, and remember that self-care is not selfish - it’s necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life.

It’s so inspiring to hear about your experience with trauma-informed care and the positive impact it’s had on your life. I can relate to the struggle of tuning into my emotions and prioritizing self-care, so it’s comforting to know that seeking help is a form of self-love, not weakness. It’s amazing how therapy can provide guidance and help us uncover buried traumas that influence our behaviors. And I totally get what you mean about feeling more connected with yourself and those around you - that’s a beautiful thing. Keep prioritizing your physical and mental wellbeing with compassion and understanding - you’re doing great!

Wow, I am so inspired by your story. It takes a lot of courage to prioritize your own wellbeing and seek out help, especially when it comes to dealing with trauma. I totally understand how challenging it can be, but it’s amazing to hear that you’re feeling more connected with yourself and the people around you. It’s so important to create boundaries and prioritize self-care, and I’m glad you have a supportive therapist by your side. Keep being compassionate with yourself and remember that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness - it’s a brave act of self-love. You’re doing great!

Wow, this is really inspiring to read. It’s amazing to see how trauma-informed care has had such a positive impact on your life. I can imagine that it’s not easy, but it’s really great that you’re prioritizing self-care and creating boundaries. Having a therapist who provides guidance and support is so important, and it’s awesome that you’re finding it helpful. I totally get what you mean about seeking help being an act of self-love, not weakness. It takes a lot of strength to recognize when we need support. It sounds like you’ve gained some powerful insights about how past experiences have influenced your behaviors, and that self-awareness is so valuable. It’s clear that this experience has had a really positive impact on your wellbeing and relationships. Keep up the amazing work!

Wow, it sounds like you’ve really made some incredible progress in understanding and caring for your mental health. It can be so challenging to prioritize self-care and create boundaries, but it’s amazing that you’ve embraced it with the help of your therapist. Recognizing that seeking help is an act of self-love is such an important realization, and I’m glad you’ve found that connection with yourself and others. It’s inspiring to hear how this experience has helped you take responsibility for your wellbeing and approach it with compassion and understanding. Keep up the fantastic work!