My struggle with ocd

I feel like my life has been turned upside down since I began dealing with OCD. It often feels like a roller coaster ride - calm and peaceful moments are quickly replaced by intense stress, fear and anxiety. Life is no longer the same.

My intrusive thoughts are relentless and it’s an on-going battle to try to control them. That’s when the obsessive behaviors begin, where I find myself doing things, like repeating actions over and over or organizing my living space in a certain way, to the point of exhaustion.

I have learned there is no cure for OCD yet, which can be disheartening at times. I know that remission is possible but it takes patience, persistence and hard work. My therapist has been a huge help as she has guided me through various techniques to help manage my symptoms such as mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

The truth is, not even my closest friends understand what it’s like to live with this disorder but I’m not alone. There are many of us out there learning how to take one day at a time as we become more aware of our triggers and reactions so we can cope better with our mental health condition. I’m making progress every day towards accepting myself just the way I am - OCD included!


Hey, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Dealing with OCD can be so exhausting and disheartening at times. But it’s really awesome that you’re working with a therapist and trying out different techniques to manage your symptoms. It takes a lot of courage and strength to keep pushing forward, especially when it feels like an uphill battle. I’ve also found mindfulness meditation and CBT super helpful in managing my own OCD. It’s true that there may not be a cure yet, but the fact that you’re making progress every day is something to be proud of. Remember, you’re not alone in this. There are so many of us out here figuring out how to cope with our mental health conditions and learning to accept ourselves just the way we are. Keep on fighting, and know that there’s a supportive community behind you every step of the way.

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Living with OCD can feel like a roller coaster - one minute everything’s calm and the next, it’s pure chaos. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? But it’s awesome that you’re working hard to manage your symptoms. I’ve found mindfulness meditation and CBT super helpful too. And yeah, it can be tough when people don’t understand what we’re going through, but you’re right, there are so many of us out there. We’re all in this together, learning to take things one day at a time. It’s great to hear that you’re making progress and accepting yourself. Keep up the hard work, we’ve got this!

Hey, man, I totally feel you. Dealing with OCD is like riding a roller coaster of emotions, and it’s not easy. But it’s great to hear that you’ve found some helpful techniques through therapy like mindfulness meditation and CBT. It’s a tough battle, but you’re not alone. I’ve also found that my closest friends don’t really get what I’m going through, so it’s comforting to know that there are others out there who understand. It’s all about taking it one day at a time and learning to recognize our triggers and reactions. Keep pushing through, and know that you’re making progress every day. It’s all about accepting ourselves, OCD included. Stay strong, buddy!

Hey, I’m 22 and I totally get what you’re going through with OCD. It’s a real roller coaster, isn’t it? The ups and downs can be exhausting. I’ve found that mindfulness meditation and CBT have been super helpful for me too. It’s tough when people around us don’t really understand, but knowing that there are others out there going through the same thing helps. It’s a battle for sure, but you’re right, we’re not alone. Keep working on those techniques and taking it day by day - you’re making progress and that’s something to be proud of!

Hey, I totally get what you’re going through. Dealing with OCD can feel like a never-ending battle, but it’s awesome that you’re finding ways to manage it. It’s true that there’s no cure yet, but it’s also true that remission is possible with time and effort. Your therapist sounds like a real gem, guiding you through mindfulness meditation and CBT. It’s frustrating when people don’t understand what we’re going through, but you’re absolutely right - we’re not alone in this. It’s a daily struggle, but it sounds like you’re making progress and that’s something to be proud of. Keep focusing on managing your triggers and reactions and know that accepting yourself, OCD and all, is a huge step. Hang in there!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been dealing with OCD too and it’s been a real struggle. It’s like one minute everything feels okay and the next, bam, it’s chaos in my head. And yeah, the constant battle with intrusive thoughts is exhausting. It’s tough knowing there’s no cure, but like you said, remission is possible with some hard work. My therapist has also been a huge help, teaching me different techniques to manage my symptoms. And you hit the nail on the head - it feels like no one really understands unless they’re going through it too. But you’re right, we’re not alone in this. We’re making progress every day and that’s something to be proud of. Keep going, and remember to be kind to yourself. We’ll get through this!

Hey there, I completely understand what you’re going through with OCD. It’s a tough battle, but it’s great to hear that you’re making progress every day. I’ve also found mindfulness meditation and CBT to be really helpful in managing my symptoms. It can be frustrating when even close friends don’t fully understand, but you’re definitely not alone in this. Keep up the hard work and remember to be kind to yourself. Remission may not be easy, but it is possible with patience and persistence. Take it one day at a time, and don’t hesitate to lean on your therapist and the community for support. You’re doing great!

Hey girl, I totally understand what you’re going through. Dealing with OCD can feel like a never-ending battle, but it’s great that you’re taking steps to manage it. I’ve also found mindfulness meditation and CBT super helpful in managing my symptoms. It’s tough when even your closest friends don’t get it, but like you said, we’re not alone. Keep pushing through and celebrating the progress you’re making. Accepting yourself, OCD and all, is such a big step and you’re doing amazing. Keep going, you got this!

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience with OCD. It’s really tough to deal with, but it’s great to hear that you’re making progress and finding helpful techniques with your therapist. I can totally relate to feeling like no one understands what it’s like to live with OCD. It’s definitely a constant battle, but it sounds like you’re taking positive steps towards managing it. Just remember, it’s okay to have those calm and peaceful moments too - they’re important for your well-being. Hang in there, and know that you’re not alone in this. Keep up the hard work and self-acceptance - it’s inspiring to hear your determination.

Hey, man, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with OCD can feel like being on a roller coaster for sure. It’s exhausting. But I’m glad to hear that you’re getting help from a therapist and that you’re finding strategies that work for you. It’s true that there’s no cure for OCD yet, but finding ways to manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life is huge. And you’re right, you’re definitely not alone. There are so many of us out here dealing with the same stuff, and finding that community can be really helpful. Keep up the hard work, man. You’re making progress and that’s something to be really proud of.

Hey there, I completely understand what you’re going through. Dealing with OCD can feel like a constant struggle, and it’s so tough when those around us just don’t get it. I’m really glad to hear that you’ve found a therapist who’s been able to guide you through different techniques. It sounds like you’re really dedicated to managing your symptoms, and that takes a lot of strength. Remission may seem far away, but it’s definitely possible with the right tools and support. Just remember that it’s okay to have those tough days, but the progress you’re making is really admirable. Keep taking it one day at a time, and know that you’re not alone in this. Sending you lots of positivity and strength!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with OCD can feel like climbing a mountain with no end in sight. It’s tough, but I admire your strength and determination to keep fighting. You’re right, there may not be a cure yet, but remission is possible with the right tools and support. I’ve also found mindfulness meditation and CBT to be game-changers in managing my symptoms. And you’re absolutely not alone - there are many of us out here going through the same ups and downs. Keep making progress, keep learning about your triggers, and keep accepting yourself just the way you are. We’ve got this, one day at a time!

Hey, I totally hear you. Dealing with OCD can feel like a whirlwind of emotions and intrusive thoughts. It’s tough when even your closest friends don’t quite get what you’re going through, but you’re right - you’re definitely not alone. It’s awesome that you’ve found a therapist who’s been able to guide you through mindfulness meditation and CBT, those can be real game-changers. Remission might feel like an uphill battle, but every step you take towards managing your symptoms is a win. Keep going, keep making progress. Accepting yourself, OCD and all, is a huge step in the right direction. You’ve got this!

Hey, I hear you. Living with OCD can definitely feel like a roller coaster - the ups and downs can be exhausting. It’s amazing that you’re working hard to manage your symptoms with the help of your therapist. It’s tough when even our closest friends may not understand what we’re going through, but you’re right - you’re not alone. There are so many of us out there learning to cope with our mental health conditions, and it’s all about taking it one day at a time. It’s great that you’re making progress and accepting yourself just as you are, OCD and all. Keep up the hard work and know that there are people who understand and support you.

Hey, I hear you. Dealing with OCD can definitely feel like a roller coaster ride. I’ve been there too, and it’s tough - the constant battle with intrusive thoughts and the exhausting rituals that come with it. It’s disheartening to know that there’s no cure, but you’re right about remission being possible with patience and hard work. It’s great that your therapist has been helping you with techniques like mindfulness meditation and CBT. And you’re absolutely not alone in this. It’s true that not everyone understands what it’s like, but there are so many of us out there going through the same thing. It’s awesome that you’re making progress and learning to accept yourself as you are, OCD included. Keep pushing through, and remember that there’s a whole community of people who get it and are here to support you.