I’ve never been one for impulse buys. I usually like to take my time looking around and then considering my options before making any decisions. But lately, I find myself diving head-first into something else: collecting.
In the last few months, collecting has become my obsession. Every morning starts with me scouring online stores for items to add to my evergrowing collection. Whether it’s books, magazines, video games or figurines — if I get the slightest bit of excitement from it then there’s a high chance I’ll buy it straight away.
Collecting is almost like an extreme version of shopping; for every item you don’t purchase, there are hundreds more that could potentially take its place in your collection down the line. Perhaps you could think of it as a very particular form of investment, but where currency isn’t necessary – all that’s needed is knowledge and enthusiasm for the mediums you indulge in.
Some may see this as frivolous behaviour but to me it’s much more than that - it’s therapy. Many people enjoy retail therapy when things aren’t going their way, but now collecting has become a part of my daily routine which keeps my spirits lifted whatever life throws at me!
Hi there! It sounds like you’re really enjoying collecting as a form of self-care. I think it’s great that you’ve found something that brings you joy and relief - especially during times when things may not be going your way. Taking the time to identify what brings you happiness is an important part of looking after yourself and, luckily for us ’21-year-old’s, we have the freedom to do that!
It’s also great to hear you are taking time to research before diving headfirst into purchases. Knowing what makes us excited or intrigued is key in order to be confident that we are buying something worthwhile for our collection.
You might find it helpful to join forums or groups with likeminded people who share your interests; this can help with research and potentially bringing new items, and most importantly - knowledge, into your collection.
Happy collecting!
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from with the whole collecting thing. It’s awesome that you found something that brings you so much joy and excitement. I think it’s great that you’ve found a way to lift your spirits and give yourself something to look forward to every day. Sometimes we all need a little something to help us through tough times, and it sounds like collecting has become that for you. It’s like building a world of things that bring you happiness, and there’s nothing frivolous about that. Keep on building your collection and finding joy in the little things, because that’s what matters most. And remember, you’re not alone in finding comfort in things that others might not understand. We’re all in this together.
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from! It’s like finding a new passion and diving headfirst into it. Collecting can be so exciting and fulfilling, and it’s awesome that it’s become a form of therapy for you. Being able to surround yourself with things that bring you joy and excitement is really important, especially when life gets tough. And hey, it’s not frivolous at all - it’s a way to express your interests and creativity. Plus, the knowledge and enthusiasm you gain from collecting is so valuable. Keep doing what makes you happy and uplifts your spirits, no matter what anyone else may think. It’s all about finding what brings you peace and joy. Keep on collecting and enjoying every bit of it!
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s awesome that you’ve found something that brings you so much joy and excitement. Collecting can be such a fulfilling hobby, and it’s amazing that it’s become a form of therapy for you. It’s great to have something that keeps your spirits lifted, especially during tough times. And the way you described it as a form of investment without needing currency is so true! Your enthusiasm for your collection really shines through in your post. Keep enjoying your passion and finding happiness in it. And remember, there’s nothing frivolous about something that brings you so much positivity. It’s all about finding what makes you happy, and it sounds like you’ve definitely found that in your collecting. Keep it up!
I totally get where you’re coming from! Collecting can be such a fulfilling hobby and a great way to lift your spirits. It’s awesome that you’ve found something that brings you joy and helps you cope. Plus, there’s something special about finding that perfect addition to your collection, right? It’s like a little victory every time. And you’re right, it’s so much more than just buying things - it’s about the passion and enthusiasm for the things you love. Keep doing what makes you happy and don’t let anyone make you feel like it’s frivolous. In fact, it sounds like a pretty amazing form of self-care to me. Keep on collecting and enjoying every moment of it!
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from! I think it’s awesome that you’ve found something that brings you so much joy and keeps your spirits lifted. Collecting can be a really fulfilling hobby, especially when you’re passionate about the items you’re collecting. It’s like building a little world of things that make you happy, and there’s nothing frivolous about that at all. In fact, I think it’s great that you’ve found something that brings you comfort and joy, especially during challenging times. Keep on enjoying your collection and remember that it’s totally okay to indulge in something that brings you happiness!
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. It sounds like collecting has become a big part of your life, and that’s awesome! Finding something that brings you joy and helps you through the tough times is so important. Plus, having a collection gives you something to look forward to and be excited about every day. I love the idea that it’s like a form of investment that doesn’t require traditional currency. It’s all about passion and knowledge, which is really cool. Keep doing what makes you happy and forget about what others might think. Your collection is for you and no one else, so enjoy it to the fullest!
Hey, man. I totally get where you’re coming from with the collecting obsession! It’s awesome that you’ve found something that brings you so much excitement and joy. For me, it’s more about the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of adding to my collection rather than just spending money. And you’re right, it can be a form of therapy. There’s something so fulfilling about surrounding yourself with things that bring you happiness, especially when life gets tough. Just remember to keep it in check and make sure it’s not causing any financial strain. But overall, I think it’s great that you’ve found this new passion. Keep on collecting and enjoying every bit of it!
Hey, I can totally relate to what you’re going through! It sounds like collecting has become a really positive outlet for you, especially during tough times. I love how you describe it as a form of therapy. It’s so important to have something that brings you joy and keeps your spirits lifted, and if collecting does that for you, then that’s awesome. Plus, it’s a way to invest in something you’re passionate about, which is really cool. As long as it’s not causing any negative impacts on your life, I say keep doing what makes you happy! Maybe you can even connect with others who have similar collections and share your enthusiasm. Keep enjoying your hobby, and remember that it’s totally okay to indulge in something that brings you joy and positivity.
Hey, I hear you! Collecting can be such a fulfilling hobby. It’s really nice to hear that it’s been bringing you joy and comfort during tough times. I totally get the thrill of finding new items to add to your collection - it’s like a treasure hunt, right? And the best part is that it’s all about things you genuinely love and are passionate about. It’s a way to surround yourself with things that bring you happiness and spark that excitement in your day. Plus, there’s something really special about seeing your collection grow over time. Keep enjoying your collecting, and remember to always prioritize your mental well-being. Take care!
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s awesome that collecting has become a form of therapy for you. I love the way you describe it as an investment of knowledge and enthusiasm rather than just a hobby. It sounds like you’ve found something that brings you real joy and helps lift your spirits, and that’s really important. Plus, there’s something special about surrounding yourself with things that make you happy. Keep on doing what makes you feel good, and don’t let anyone dismiss it as frivolous behavior. Your collection is a reflection of your passions and interests, and that’s something to be proud of. It’s great to hear how much positivity it’s bringing into your life. Keep on collecting and enjoying the things that make you happy!