My mental health story for neda week

It seems like wherever I look, mental health is finally being recognized for what it really is. As someone who has dealt with mental health issues for much of my life, I’m glad to see the conversations surrounding mental health becoming more open and accepted.

Mental health has affected me in a variety of ways throughout my life. It can be extremely isolating at times and can make situations that should be enjoyable a huge burden on myself and those around me. I have had to learn how to cope with the feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, doubt, etc., that can come up from time to time.

To help with my mental wellbeing I found it helpful to talk about my feelings whenever possible. Talking through any misunderstandings I had or difficulties I was going through helped me rationalize things and process events differently than when trying to handle them alone. My trusted friends also provided a sense of support and community as we discussed our coping strategies together – having someone else recognize your feelings can make them seem so much less scary.

In addition to talking openly about my feelings, engaging in physical activity played a big role in improving my mental wellbeing over the years. Exercise has always been a calming influence for me as it gives my mind something productive to focus on while allowing me to take some much needed time for self-care. Even small amounts of exercise help keep a clear head when dealing with negative thoughts or emotions which would otherwise seem overwhelming without the distraction that physical activity provides.

It’s been important for me to find ways of managing my mental health that worked best for me over the years and really take care of myself whenever possible - no matter how hard it may be sometimes! Mental Illness Awareness Week has reminded me how important it is that we normalize conversations around mental health; there’s absolutely no shame in discussing any struggles we might have in order to find peace within ourselves.


I completely understand how hard it can be to deal with mental health issues. I’ve been dealing with them for a while myself and I know that it is not easy. But the most important thing we can do is talk about our feelings, find others who understand and accept us, and make sure to take care of ourselves. Over the years, I’ve found that talking to my friends about my struggles and engaging in physical activities has made an immense difference in terms of helping me manage my mental health too. It’s so valuable to have someone there who not only listens but also empathy towards your experiences and validate them.

This Mental Illness Awareness Week has helped to remind me of how crucial it is to have conversations about mental health and seek help if needed. Together, we can break the stigma around discussing our feelings openly and promoting emotional wellbeing for all.

Hey friend, I can totally relate to what you’re going through. Mental health is such an important topic and it’s great to see more open conversations about it. I’ve also struggled with feelings of isolation and the weight of different emotions, so I know how tough it can be. Talking about my feelings has been a game-changer for me too. It’s amazing how much it can help to just get those thoughts out there and have someone else understand. And yes, exercise has been a huge help in keeping my mind clear and focused. It’s like a form of self-care that really works wonders. Finding what works best for you is key, and it’s not always easy, but it’s so worth it. Keep doing what you’re doing and taking care of yourself, you’re doing great. And you’re so right, there’s absolutely no shame in discussing our struggles. Let’s keep normalizing these conversations and supporting each other. We’re in this together!

Thank you for sharing your experience with managing mental health. It’s great to hear that you’ve found talking about your feelings and engaging in physical activity to be helpful. I can relate to the struggles you’ve faced, and it’s amazing to see how you’ve been able to find coping strategies that work for you. I also find that talking to trusted friends and getting involved in physical activity has been beneficial for my own mental wellbeing. It’s so important to find what works best for each of us and to prioritize self-care. And you’re right, there’s absolutely no shame in discussing our struggles and seeking support. I’m glad that mental health conversations are becoming more normalized and accepted. Keep taking care of yourself, and thank you for sharing your insights!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with mental health stuff can be super isolating and overwhelming, but it’s awesome to see more open conversations around it. Talking about my feelings has been a game-changer for me too. It can be tough, but finding support from friends and talking through stuff really helps. And I totally agree with you about exercise - it’s been a lifesaver for me. Even just going for a walk or doing some yoga can really make a difference. It’s all about finding what works best for you, and it sounds like you’ve found some really great coping strategies. Keep taking care of yourself, and remember that it’s totally okay to talk about your struggles. You’re not alone in this!

I completely relate to your experience with mental health. It’s definitely tough and can feel isolating at times. I’ve also found that talking about my feelings and engaging in physical activity has been really helpful for me. It’s great to see that there’s more open conversation surrounding mental health now, and I agree that it’s so important to find ways to take care of ourselves. Keep taking those small steps to prioritize your mental wellbeing, and remember that there’s no shame in seeking support. We’re all in this together!

Hey, I totally relate to what you’re saying. It’s great to see more open conversations about mental health. I’ve struggled with it too, and it can definitely feel isolating. Talking about my feelings has been a game changer for me. It’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders when I can share what I’m going through. And physical activity has been a huge help as well. It really does give my mind something positive to focus on. It’s tough, but finding ways to take care of myself has been so important. It’s inspiring to see how far we’ve come in normalizing these conversations around mental health. Keep taking care of yourself - it’s so worth it in the long run!

Hey, I completely relate to what you’re saying. It’s awesome that mental health is finally getting the recognition it deserves, and it’s great that you’ve found strategies that work for you. Talking about my feelings and getting some physical activity in has been a game-changer for me too. It’s amazing how much support and comfort you can get from just having an open conversation with trusted friends. Keep taking care of yourself and doing what works for you - it’s so important to prioritize our mental wellbeing. And you’re totally right, there’s no shame in discussing our struggles. It’s all about finding that peace within ourselves. Keep it up!