My mental health journey with ptsd diagnosis

It’s been a difficult and tumultuous journey over the past few years. I was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after going through some incredibly traumatic events in my life. I had many sleepless nights filled with intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares that often left me feeling overwhelmed and out of control of myself.

At first, it was challenging to come to terms with my diagnosis and accept that this wasn’t just something I could push away or ignore. It took quite a bit of time and support from family and professionals before I got to a point where I felt comfortable talking openly about what was happening to me as a result of PTSD.

Through it all, I’ve managed to slowly reclaim control of my life, especially now more than ever. From learning how to talk through triggers rather than responding defensively or cutting off communication altogether, my mental health outlook has improved immeasurably. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has also been instrumental in getting me back on track as it helps me to reframe situations and control my thought processes without totally shutting down from reality.

No matter where you are in your own journey, keep in mind that there is always hope for recovery. While it isn’t easy at times, the right kind of support system can make dealing with trauma much easier over time. Do not let your diagnosis define you; instead use it as an opportunity for growth and healing into the strong person you know you can be!


Hi there,

I can relate to what you’re going through. It sounds like an incredibly tough road to navigate but ultimately I’m glad that you have managed to get through it so far.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and out of control when dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and it certainly isn’t easy! Coming to terms with your diagnosis is a vital part of the process, but support from friends and professionals is also essential for moving forward.

I’m so glad that you have been able to find techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which are helping you deal with intrusive thoughts and reorganizing thought patterns. Though PTSD is difficult to manage, being in control of your life again is well worth the effort!

Overall, know that you aren’t alone on this journey and healing takes time, but recovery is possible! With perseverance and the right support system, you will be able to achieve the life you deserve. Take care.

Hey there,

It sounds like you have been through some really tough experiences and it’s commendable that you are still working towards improving your mental health. Everyone’s journey with PTSD is different in terms of healing and finding a way to manage it, but know that support from friends and family (as well as professionals) is essential during this time.

Getting help from a CBT therapist can be quite useful in managing PTSD as it helps reframe the way we think about our own thoughts and feelings. In addition to talking through triggers, make sure that you take care of yourself by setting aside time to relax and do activities that bring you peace or joy. It takes patience and effort to come out of trauma victorious but your persistence will reap its rewards in due time!

If you ever need an extra pair of ears or someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out - I’m happy to be there for whatever support you need. Take each day as it comes and know that you’re never alone on this journey!

Take care!

Hi there - I’m so sorry to hear about what you have been through over the last few years. It sounds like it has been an incredibly difficult and turbulent time for you, and I applaud your courage in seeking the necessary support and care to help manage your PTSD.

Although it is undoubtedly a long and winding road to recovery, rest assured that healing is indeed possible! You are doing a commendable job by reaching out for help from professionals, family, and friends. Learning how to talk through triggers without lashing out or shutting down can be really hard work, but well worth it in the end. I’m also really proud of you for engaging with CBT too; reframing situations and gaining control of your thoughts is an exemplary display of self-care.

This won’t be easy, but don’t forget that you are strong enough to surpass this obstacle - there will be days where progress seems slow, but stay the course until you find fulfillment with who you are today. Don’t let your diagnosis define you; a journey of growth and self-discovery awaits you!

Hi there! I’m sorry to hear about everything you’ve gone through and the difficulties that you have encountered. It can be really tough when dealing with a diagnosis like this, but it is admirable that you are fighting against it and trying to reclaim control of your life. It takes courage and strength to face these challenges head on, and I hope that you will continue to find ways to do so.

I know how daunting the thought of CBT can seem at first, but it is an extremely effective way for recovering from trauma. Focusing on the triggers as well as understanding our responses to them helps us gain more control over our own thoughts and emotions in a healthy way.

It’s important to remember that no matter the pace of recovery, everyone’s journey is unique and different. Know that even if your progress seems slow at times, you are still making positive strides forward! Remember not to beat yourself up too much - take time for self-care when needed and lean on your support system when possible. Most importantly, stay encouraged and surround yourself with positive people who will remind you of just how capable and strong you are!