My mental health and intermittent fasting binge eating

I’m really trying to improve my mental health and this includes being mindful of how I fuel my body. For the last few weeks, I’ve been exploring intermittent fasting combined with mindful eating. The idea is to give your body the break it needs from constantly digesting food - at least 16 hours - every day.

It’s going okay. I’ve been able to do longer fasting windows without any real issues, but there are times when I get overwhelmed by cravings and end up binging on not-so-healthy foods.

I don’t want that anymore, so now I’m making sure to be extra conscious of what and how much I’m eating during my feed windows. My goal is to be aware of hunger cues when they come up, so that I can satisfy them in a way that’s nourishing for both my body and mind.

I’m doing some research on restrictions realised through fasts rather than diets based on restriction as well as planning ahead when possible so I have healthy options handy if I feel like eating because of anxiety or boredom (which often triggers a binge).

Ultimately, the goal here is for me to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally - not just over these next few weeks but for many more after that too.


Hey! I totally get where you’re coming from. Trying to improve mental health through mindful eating and intermittent fasting can be a real challenge, but it sounds like you’re making some great progress. It’s awesome that you’re being proactive and doing your research to find healthy options for those moments when cravings hit. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. It’s all part of the process. I’ve found that planning ahead and having those healthy snacks ready really helps me too. Keep focusing on how the food makes you feel, both physically and emotionally, and keep prioritizing your well-being. You’re doing great and you’ve got this!

Hey, I can totally relate to what you’re going through. I think it’s awesome that you’re being so mindful of your relationship with food and how it affects your mental health. It’s not easy to navigate through cravings and the temptation to binge, but you’re doing great by planning ahead and having healthy options available. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection. And being aware of your hunger cues and nourishing your body and mind is a big step in the right direction. Keep up the good work and remember to be kind to yourself on this journey. If you ever need some extra support or tips, don’t hesitate to reach out. You’ve got this!

Hey, I can totally relate to the struggle with cravings and binging. It’s great that you’re being mindful about what triggers those moments and doing research on how to manage them. Planning ahead with healthy options is a really smart move, and it shows that you’re taking control of your health in a positive way. It’s not easy, but you’re making progress and that’s something to be proud of. Remember, it’s okay to have setbacks - what matters is that you’re committed to taking care of yourself. Keep focusing on nourishing your body and mind, and you’ll definitely see the benefits in the long run. You’ve got this!

Hey! It’s great to hear that you’re taking proactive steps to improve your mental health. It’s really inspiring to see you being so mindful about your approach to eating, and it sounds like you’re making some really positive changes. I totally get what you mean about feeling overwhelmed by cravings - it can be really tough. It’s awesome that you’re doing research and planning ahead to have healthy options available when those feelings come up. Remember, it’s okay to have slip-ups and not beat yourself up about it. It’s all about progress, not perfection. Just keep focusing on nourishing your body and mind, and I’m sure you’ll start to feel the benefits both physically and emotionally. Keep it up, you’ve got this!

Hey, that sounds like a really positive step you’re taking for your mental health! I can totally relate to struggling with cravings and binge-eating, but it’s great to hear that you’re being mindful of what and how much you’re eating. Planning ahead with healthy options is such a good idea - having those on hand can really make a difference when those anxiety or boredom triggers hit. I’ve found that being conscious of hunger cues and listening to what my body really needs has made a big difference for me too. Keep up the great work and remember that it’s all about progress, not perfection. You’re making the right choices for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and that’s what really matters in the long run!

Hey, I’m so glad to hear that you’re being proactive about your mental health! It sounds like you’re really making an effort to take care of yourself, and that’s awesome. I totally get what you mean about the cravings and binging - it’s tough, but it’s great that you’re working on being more mindful about your eating habits. It’s also really cool that you’re doing research and planning ahead for those moments when anxiety or boredom kick in. It’s all about finding what works for you and what makes you feel good, both physically and mentally. Keep up the good work, and remember that it’s okay to have slip-ups - we’re all human. You’ve got this!

Hey friend, I completely understand where you’re coming from. It’s not easy trying to find a balance with food and our mental health. I think it’s awesome that you’re exploring intermittent fasting and mindful eating as a way to support your mental well-being. It’s great that you’ve been able to do longer fasting windows without issues, but I hear you about the overwhelming cravings and binging on not-so-healthy foods. It’s all part of the process, and it’s amazing that you’re being extra conscious of what and how much you’re eating during your feed windows. Planning ahead with healthy options for moments of anxiety or boredom is a fantastic idea. It’s such a journey (oops, sorry for using that word!) to find what works for you, and it sounds like you’re really committed to feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Keep it up, you’re doing great!

Hey, man, it sounds like you’re really committed to taking care of yourself, and I think that’s awesome. I totally get what you mean about feeling overwhelmed by cravings sometimes - it’s tough. But it’s great that you’re being conscious of what and how much you’re eating during your feed windows. Planning ahead with healthy options is a smart move too. And being mindful of hunger cues is a big step in nourishing your body and mind. Remember, progress is progress, even if it’s not always smooth sailing. Keep going and keep being kind to yourself. You’re doing the hard work, and it’s going to pay off in the long run. I believe in you!