My experience with recovering from an eating disorder: 8 tips for success

Recovering from an eating disorder is no easy feat. Throughout my experience with recovery, I’ve realized that it’s more than just changing the way we think and feel about food and our bodies - it requires us to dig deeper into ourselves to find new meaning for our lives. Here are some tips I’d like to share that have helped me in my own journey:

  1. Make sure you seek out professional help - Eating disorder recovery isn’t something we can do on our own, so make sure you get the support and guidance of doctors, counselors, or nutritionists while on your journey to recovery.

  2. Stick to a skeleton plan - If you have plans already put in place for meals and exercise, stick to them as best as you can – little changes here and there may derail yourself from staying on track entirely.

  3. Set small goals first - Start by setting small goals such as trying a new food item or cutting back on sweets every week. As you succeed at each one, gradually add bigger ones until they become second nature for you in time!

  4. Pay attention to red flags - You know yourself better than anyone else does so watch for any signs that can indicate when your state of mind might take a turn for the worse – nip it in the bud during the early stages if possible!

  5. Find alternative forms of emotional comfort - When we focus all of our energy onto food instead of taking care of ourselves mentally and emotionally, eating disorders tend to worsen over time – insert substitute activities such as talking with friends or physical activity as outlets when dealing with anxiety or sadness instead of an eating binge episode!

  6. Surround yourself with positive people - An invaluable part of any successful recovery process comes down to who we spend our time around – getting rid of toxic relationships or people who actively encourage disordered beliefs/habits is essential if we want achieve lasting change within ourselves!

  7. Forgive yourself- Change takes hard work and dedication but understand that relapses happen even in times where everything seems perfect; don’t dwell too long on regret or guilt after missteps because all progress counts!

  8. Lastly, be kind to yourself- Mental health starts off first before anything else; make sure to give your body love (even through criticisms) because it will come back tenfold during challenging times!