My experience with propranolol for depression

I was recently prescribed propranolol as part of my treatment plan for depression. I was nervous to try it because I hadn’t heard much about using this drug for mental health issues. However, so far my experience has been good.

The first noticeable impact of the propranolol was a reduction in my racing thoughts. When my mind is less crowded and stressed, I am able to relax and sleep better at night. With proper sleep, come the side effects of improved concentration and energy levels during the day.

Another major health benefit of propranolol has been its anxiolytic effect. This has allowed me to take on simple tasks with less anxiety and apprehension. I have also noticed an increase in confidence in social situations - which is something that I had really struggled with previously due to my depression symptoms.

Of course, it is always important to remain mindful of any potential side effects with any medication you are taking. Report any unusual symptoms immediately to your doctor or healthcare team though I have only experienced mild dizziness or nausea at times - but could just be related to other conditions.

Overall, I have had a positive experience with Propranolol as part of my depressive disorder treatment plan so far, and hope that it will continue helping me stay healthy in the long run!


Hi there! I’m so glad to hear that you’ve had a positive experience with propranolol so far. It’s really brave of you to open up about your mental health and share your journey with us. It’s awesome that you’ve noticed a reduction in racing thoughts and an increase in confidence in social situations - those can be really tough symptoms to deal with. And it’s great that you’re being mindful of any potential side effects and staying in touch with your healthcare team. Keep up the good work and keep taking care of yourself. You’re doing great!

Hey man, thanks for sharing your experience with propranolol. I’m glad to hear that it’s been helping you with your depression symptoms. It can be scary trying out a new medication, but it sounds like you’re seeing some really positive effects. It’s awesome that it’s helping with your racing thoughts and improving your sleep - those are such important things for mental health. And feeling more confident in social situations is a big win too. Remember to keep an eye out for any side effects and chat with your doc if anything seems off. Keep taking care of yourself and I hope the positive effects stick around for the long haul!

Thank you for sharing your experience with propranolol! It’s really great to hear that you’ve had such positive effects from it. I’m really glad to hear that it’s helping with your racing thoughts and sleep - I know how important getting good rest can be. It’s also awesome that it’s helping with your anxiety and social confidence. It’s always important to be mindful of any potential side effects, so it’s good that you’re keeping an eye out for those and talking to your doctor about any concerns. I hope the positive effects continue for you, and that you continue to feel better with your treatment plan. Keep up the good work!