My bipolar 2 rapid cycling story

Hi everyone,

I’m writing this post to share my story with bipolar 2 rapid cycling. It all started about five years ago when I began feeling extreme highs and lows. During the highs, I was so excited that nothing could bring me down and nothing seemed impossible. Looking back, I now realize these were manic episodes that lasted for days or even a week at times. During the lows, I felt like life itself was pointless and my mood could change from one minute to the next.

I went through periods of both feelings going up and down until it finally became too much to handle consistently. That’s when I decided it was time to get help and seek professional treatment. After going in for testing and meeting with my doctor regularly, she discovered (and diagnosed) that I had bipolar 2 rapid cycling.

This diagnosis gave me hope because it meant there was something treatable causing the up and downs in my moods. Over the following years, I have been managing my condition through medication, support groups, therapy sessions, exercise and lifestyle changes like taking walks outside every day that have made a huge difference in how I cope with my disorder and live a more balanced life.

No matter your mental health journey whether it is bipolar 1 or 2 or any type of depression, please know you are not alone. There are people who understand what you’re going through and resources available to help you on your path toward wellbeing.

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Hi everyone,
I can relate to your story on a personal level since I too suffer from bipolar 2 rapid cycling. While my experience may have been slightly different, I understand the overwhelming emotions and the difficulty in managing such a disorder. It can be so hard to stay balanced day by day especially when it feels like you are constantly shifting between highs and lows and barely staying afloat.

When I was first diagnosed, albeit encouraging, it was also daunting to know that my life would change forever and major adjustments were necessary in order for me to get better. After finding out about my condition, I took concrete steps in order to move forward with treatment which included meeting with doctors regularly, therapy sessions, medication and lifestyle changes such as incorporating more outdoor strolls into my daily life along with other activities that made me feel grounded. These changes gave me courage knowing that these simple things could improve how I felt physically and mentally.

Everyone’s situation is different but please know that there is hope regardless of what stage of your mental health journey you are at - don’t be afraid to reach out for help or support if needed. There is no shame in getting help when you need it; it only shows strength and resilience which allows us to cope