My battle with mental compulsive disorder

I have been struggling with mental compulsive disorder for a while now, and it can be really difficult to manage. I am constantly dealing with intrusive thoughts that plague my mind and affect how I interact with the world around me.

At times it can be quite overwhelming, causing my days to feel like drowning in an emotional whirlpool. I’ve experienced irrational fears that rule my thoughts, paralyzing me and making it hard to function normally. My compulsions make it hard to resist urges that often have no rational purpose.

Learning how to cope with these issues has been an ongoing battle for me, but I’m slowly learning strategies on how to manage them better. Talking out of my issues is helpful; being able to express what’s going on in my head without judgment helps give me perspective and acceptance. Boundary setting helps too; creating rules around certain behavior can help minimize the negative impact of obsessive thoughts or behaviors.

It is possible to get through each day while coexisting with mental health struggles, as long as you create the right environment for yourself. Reaching out for support, even in small ways, can be incredibly powerful in building a strong foundation for living life even when dealing with such a condition.


Hi there,
I totally understand where your coming from. Mental health struggles can be incredibly difficult and oppressive to cope with at times. It takes dedication and strength to work through them everyday. While I can’t speak from experience with a mental compulsive disorder, I’ve had my own share of mental health battles, so I know how challenging it can be.

From my experience, developing tools to help manage your experiences is important - like creating boundaries or engaging in self-care strategies. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to approach this, but finding different methods that you feel comfortable with will make a difference. Also connecting with people who support and understand you is powerful; even venting out loud and hearing someone else say they understand what your going through can make a big difference.

You should never feel ashamed for struggling; simply having the courage to take steps forward towards healing is already an accomplishment! You’re doing an amazing job getting through each day; keep up the good work!

Hey there! I can totally relate to what you’re going through. Dealing with mental compulsive disorder is no easy feat, and those intrusive thoughts can really take a toll on your daily life. I’ve been there, feeling like I’m drowning in a whirlpool of emotions and struggling with irrational fears. It’s tough, but I’ve found that talking about it and setting boundaries have been really helpful for me. Being able to express what’s going on in my head without judgment has given me a lot of perspective and acceptance. And creating rules around certain behaviors has helped minimize the impact of my obsessive thoughts. It’s definitely a process, but reaching out for support, no matter how small, has been a game changer for me. Hang in there, you’re not alone in this fight. We’ve got this!

Hey there, I just want to say that I really feel for you. Dealing with mental compulsive disorder can really feel like an uphill battle, but you’re doing an amazing job just by navigating through it all. I totally get how overwhelming it can be to have those intrusive thoughts constantly bombarding your mind. It can really affect how we go about our day, can’t it? But kudos to you for finding ways to manage it. I’ve found that being able to talk openly about what’s going on in my head has been a game-changer. And setting boundaries around certain behaviors has really helped too. It’s great that you’re finding ways to create a positive environment for yourself. And reaching out for support, even in small ways, is so important. Keep up the great work, and know that you’re not alone in this. We’re all here for you!

Hey, it sounds like you’ve been dealing with a lot, and I want you to know that you’re not alone in this. I’ve also struggled with intrusive thoughts and irrational fears, and it can definitely feel overwhelming at times. It’s great that you’re finding ways to cope, like talking about your issues and setting boundaries. I’ve found that creating a supportive environment and reaching out for help, even in small ways, has made a big difference for me. Just remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate the small victories. You’re doing a great job, and I believe that you can continue to find ways to manage and live a fulfilling life, even with mental health struggles.

Hey, I can totally understand what you’re going through. Dealing with mental compulsive disorder can feel like an uphill battle, but it’s great to hear that you’re slowly finding ways to manage it better. I’ve found that expressing my thoughts without fear of judgment has been really helpful too. It’s awesome that you’re setting boundaries for yourself - that’s such an important part of taking care of your mental health. And you’re so right about reaching out for support, no matter how small the gesture. It really does make a difference in creating a positive environment for yourself. Keep taking those small steps forward, and remember that you’re not alone in this.

Hey, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Dealing with mental compulsive disorder can be really tough, and it’s pretty amazing that you’re working on ways to manage it better. I’ve found that talking about my issues without judgment has been super helpful for me too. It’s like a weight off my shoulders when I can express what’s going on in my head. And setting boundaries around certain behaviors has definitely minimized the impact of my obsessive thoughts. It’s good to know it’s possible to coexist with mental health struggles and still build a strong foundation for living. Keep reaching out for support - even the small ways are powerful. We got this!

Hey there, I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with mental compulsive disorder. It sounds like you’re really going through a tough time, but it’s great to hear that you’re finding strategies to manage it better. I can totally relate to the overwhelming feelings and the irrational fears that come with it. Talking about it openly and setting boundaries have also helped me a lot. It’s amazing how small changes can make a big difference, right? Just know that you’re not alone in this, and reaching out for support is a really powerful thing to do. Keep doing what feels right for you and stay strong!