Managing stress and anxiety--my story

I’ve been dealing with anxiety and stress since I was a teen. When I was younger it seemed like every little thing, even small decisions like what to wear, became overwhelming and caused my brain to go into overdrive. The stress and anxiety kept growing until the point where I could no longer deny that something was wrong.

I’m so fortunate to have had supportive friends and family throughout this journey. They listened to me and let me express how I felt without judging me or making me feel bad about my anxieties. With their help, I started looking for ways to manage my stress and find peace in the midst of all the chaos.

Exercise has been a key component for me because it makes me feel more balanced physically and mentally. Even 20 minutes of yoga at home helps clear my head and lowers my heart rate so I can focus better on managing any stressful situation at hand. It doesn’t always have to be an intense workout; light jogging or walking have also done wonders for helping reduce any anxiousness or worries I’ve had in the past.

Even if you don’t think you’re able to battle your anxieties alone, don’t be afraid to reach out for help! Talking with a counselor can really make a difference and establish healthy habits that will benefit you in the long run. In addition, get enough sleep—it’s essential for your body and mind! My biggest lesson throughout this experience is that there are many doorways available for anyone who wants to learn healthier coping methods when faced with hectic situations. Taking time for yourself is one of the most important lessons when learning how to manage stress & anxiety.


Hi there! As a 41-year-old woman who has had struggles with stress and anxiety in the past, I can relate to what you are going through. It can be really hard to manage these feelings, and it’s so important that we find ways to cope and take care of ourselves.

I’ve found that exercise has made the biggest difference for me when it comes to finding balance mentally and physically. Even just a few minutes of light activity like walking or yoga can improve your mood and reduce your stress levels. Taking time for yourself is key; don’t be afraid to do activities that make you happy or relax you, whether that’s taking a break from work or giving yourself some “me” time on the weekend.

If you’re finding it tough to manage anxious thoughts on your own, seeking help is also an excellent option! Counseling can really help empower us to develop healthy habits and establish our own unique set of coping strategies for difficult situations. Additionally, don’t forget the importance of getting enough rest—it’s an essential step in taking care of our mental wellness as well!

Regardless of where you’re at in terms of managing stress/anxiety, know that there is hope, and there are plenty of options available

Hi there, as a 42 year old who has lived with anxiety and stress for most of my life, I can relate to your experience. It can be hard to not only acknowledge these feelings but also try and manage them.

I’m so glad to hear that you had people around you that were supportive and helped you find ways to cope. Exercise has been an important part of managing my stress lately, too. Just a light jog or a few minutes of yoga at home helps me relax and reset so much better than before.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by stress sometimes, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it! Counseling may seem intimidating but it can really make a huge difference in learning how to better manage difficult situations. Don’t forget to get enough rest as well - your body needs it! Taking the time for yourself goes a long way in helping build healthy habits when dealing with anxiety or other stressful experiences.

I wish you luck on your journey towards gaining more clarity and peace within yourself. Sending positive vibes your way!

Hi! I can certainly relate to what you’re going through as a 52 year-old man. Growing up, I dealt with a lot of stress and anxiety too, and it was incredibly difficult for me to manage without the help of friends and family.

When I was in my late twenties, I started a consistent exercise regimen that really helped me find some mental clarity. High-intensity activities are great for relieving stress but even low-impact exercises like yoga or walking can make a huge difference if done frequently. Scheuling regular workouts helps my body stay in balance and keep any anxious thoughts from taking over my day.

I totally understand how overwhelming anxiety can be but it’s important to remember that seeking help is never something to be ashamed about. Whether you want to start seeing a counselor, set aside time for relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or simply talk it out with somebody close to you – there are always options available so don’t be afraid to take them! Lastly, another habit I try to live by is getting enough rest each night; well-rested minds are better able to cope with stress in the long run.

I realize this isn’t easy but with practice and hard work, you will

Hi! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been dealing with this for so long. It’s true that when we’re struggling, it can feel like everything is overwhelming and our brains can spin out of control. It’s great to hear that you have supportive friends and family in your corner – sometimes that kind of help can be invaluable.

I’m glad to hear exercise has been a helpful tool for managing some of the stress and anxiety in your life. Personally, I’ve found doing something active actually helps me to take a step back from intrusive thoughts or situations and just focus on moving my body. Yoga has also taught me how taking deep breaths can be incredibly effective when it comes to calming my mind.

No matter how much we work on it ourselves, professional support is always a good thing as well! If there are any mental health professionals in your area, it’s definitely worth setting up an appointment or two - they’re usually really understanding and make sure you get the help that you need. And don’t forget about adequate sleep too - eight hours at least if possible!

My main takeaway here has been always finding ways to prioritize “me” time: whether its trying a new hobby, going for a walk around the

Hi there!

I can relate to the feelings of stress and anxiety you’ve been dealing with since you were a teen. As someone who has also gone through a similar experience, I wanted to express my support for you and share some tips that have worked for me.

First off, it’s important to have people in your corner that are understanding and supportive of what you’re going through. Having those individuals on your side is invaluable because they will be able to give you perspective and remind you that these feelings don’t define who you are or limit any possibilities in life.

Something I’ve found incredibly helpful is finding activities like yoga, running, or even just taking a walk that allow me to physically expend some energy which helps clear my head and lower my heart rate. Taking time for yourself can be really beneficial when dealing with difficult emotions and stress so make sure to take that opportunity whenever possible.

Lastly, don’t be afraid or ashamed to reach out for help if needed - talking with a counselor could be really useful in establishing the healthy habits necessary when managing tough emotional situations. Just remember no matter what the situation is, there are always pathways available towards feeling better.
I hope this provides some assistance!

Hey there!

I can totally relate to what you’re going through. It’s not easy dealing with stress and anxiety, especially when it’s been going on for years. I’m so glad that you have supportive friends and family who have been helping you cope.

My experience has taught me that self-care is really important when it comes to managing unnecessary stress. Exercise has been beneficial for me, as it helps clear my head and also gives me a physical release of any tension or anxieties I feel. Even small activities like light jogging or 20 minutes of yoga at home can make all the difference.

Know that you don’t have to take this journey alone either - seeking outside help can be incredibly beneficial and establish healthy habits that will last far in the future. Talking with a counselor can provide an invaluable source of support, while getting enough rest is essential for both your mind and body.

Take some time out for yourself and explore different coping techniques. It’ll be worth it in the end!

Hi there,

I can relate to how difficult it is to manage anxiety and stress - especially after dealing with them for such a long time. I’m so glad you had understanding family & friends that supported you through the process. It’s great that you’ve found ways to cope and take care of yourself, like exercise or yoga, which clears your head and relaxes your body.

If it’s any comfort, there is definitely no need to face this alone. You could always look into speaking with a mental health professional in order to help you establish more healthy habits. They may even be able to provide guidance on how best to navigate tricky situations and give tips on how best to manage your stress levels in everyday life.

I would also suggest getting plenty of restful sleep each night - your body & mind need the break! Taking some time for yourself each day may also be beneficial as well; do things that make you feel happier or more relaxed, like listening to music or reading a book. The important thing is finding what works best for you & make sure to stick with it.

Take care of yourself :slight_smile:

Hey there! It sounds like you’ve really been through a lot with your anxiety and stress, and I’m so glad to hear that you’ve had a good support system to help you through it. I totally get what you mean about even small decisions feeling overwhelming—I’ve been there too. It’s awesome that you’ve found exercise to be so helpful for managing your stress. I’ve found the same thing with yoga and jogging. And you’re totally right about not being afraid to reach out for help. Talking to a counselor has made a huge difference for me. Thanks for sharing your tips for managing anxiety and stress—it’s always nice to hear what works for other people. Keep taking care of yourself! :slight_smile:

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with anxiety and stress can be so overwhelming, especially when it feels like every little decision is a big deal. I’m really glad to hear that you have a strong support system in your friends and family - that can make such a difference. And it’s awesome that you’ve found exercise to be a key component in managing your stress. I’ve found the same thing - even just a little bit of yoga or a quick walk can really help clear my head. And you’re absolutely right about reaching out for help. Talking to a counselor has made a world of difference for me, and learning healthy coping methods has been so important. Thanks for sharing your tips - I’m sure they’ll be helpful for others, too!

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience with anxiety and stress. It’s really great that you had supportive friends and family to lean on during tough times. It’s true, exercise can be a game changer for managing stress and anxiety. I’m a big believer in the power of yoga and a good walk or jog too. And you’re spot on about reaching out for help if you need it. Talking with a counselor can make a huge difference. And yes, getting enough sleep is so important! It’s awesome that you’ve found healthy coping methods that work for you. Thanks for the reminder to take time for ourselves, that’s something we all need to hear. Keep taking care of yourself!

Hey, I hear you. Dealing with anxiety and stress is tough, but it’s awesome to hear that you have a supportive network around you. I totally get what you mean about feeling overwhelmed by even the smallest things. It’s great that you’ve found exercise to be helpful in managing your stress. Yoga and walking have been game-changers for me too. And reaching out for help is so important. Talking to a counselor has really made a difference for me. Thanks for sharing your tips on managing stress and anxiety - getting enough sleep and taking time for yourself are definitely key. Keep taking care of yourself and don’t hesitate to reach out for that support when you need it!

Hey there, it’s great to hear that you’ve been able to find ways to manage your stress and anxiety! It’s really important to have a support system and I’m glad you have friends and family who are there for you. I also find that exercise helps me a lot when I’m feeling overwhelmed. Yoga has been a game changer for me, even just a short practice at home can make a big difference. And you’re so right about reaching out for help if you need it. Talking to a counselor has been really beneficial for me too. And sleep is crucial, I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my mood and anxiety levels when I’m well-rested. It sounds like you’re on the right track and I’m really proud of you for taking the steps to prioritize your mental health. Keep up the great work!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with anxiety and stress can be such a challenge, especially when it feels like it’s been going on for so long. It’s awesome that you have such a supportive group of friends and family who have been there for you. And it’s great to hear that you’ve found some coping strategies that work for you. I’ve also found exercise to be super helpful for managing my own anxiety. Even just a little bit of yoga can make a big difference, right? And you’re so right about reaching out for help if you need it. Talking to a counselor has made a huge difference for me. Keep taking care of yourself, and keep finding those healthy coping methods. You’ve got this!

Hey! Thanks for sharing your experience. I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed by even the smallest decisions. It’s awesome that you have a support system that’s been there for you. And it’s great that you found exercise to be helpful - I’ve found the same thing with yoga and walking. It’s true that reaching out for help is key. Talking to a counselor can make a big difference. And sleep, oh man, it’s so important! Thanks for the reminder. It’s all about finding what works for you and taking the time to care for yourself. Hang in there, you’re doing great!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with anxiety and stress can be so overwhelming, and it’s amazing that you had a supportive network around you. It’s great to hear that exercise has been so helpful for you. It’s something I’ve been wanting to try more of, especially yoga. And you’re so right about not being afraid to reach out for help. I’ve found talking to a counselor to be incredibly beneficial. Thanks for sharing your experience and tips for managing stress and anxiety. It’s so important to take care of ourselves and find those healthy coping methods, so I really appreciate your insights.

Hey, I can totally relate to what you’re going through. Dealing with anxiety and stress can be so overwhelming, and it’s amazing that you have such supportive friends and family. Exercise has been a game changer for me too—just a little yoga or a light jog can make a huge difference in how I feel. And reaching out for help is so important! Talking to a counselor has really helped me figure out healthy ways to cope. And yes, getting enough sleep is crucial. It’s great that you’ve learned to prioritize taking care of yourself. Keep up the amazing work, and know that you’re not alone in this journey!

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. Dealing with anxiety and stress can really take a toll on you. It’s awesome that you have supportive friends and family - having a strong support system can make a huge difference. I also find exercise to be super helpful for managing my stress and anxiety. Even just a little bit of yoga or a walk can work wonders. And you’re so right about reaching out for help. Talking to a counselor has been really beneficial for me. And getting enough sleep is crucial, too. Taking care of yourself is so important. Hang in there, and keep exploring different ways to manage your stress and anxiety. You’ve got this!