Embracing ocd - my story

Living with OCD was something I never expected - and I’ve struggled with it for years. A few months ago, I had a major turning point in my life when I made the decision to embrace my OCD and come to terms with it.

When I first learned about my diagnosis of OCD, the idea of embracing it felt impossible. It felt like it had taken over my mind - like nothing good could ever come from me spending so much time on intrusive thoughts.

However as time went on, I began to learn about strategies other people were using to manage their own experiences - such as prompting themselves to realign whenever they experienced an obsessive thought that wasn’t true or productive. This encouraged me to take a more active approach in understanding and managing my own experience of OCD.

Since then, life has been quite different - not just because of the fact that I am actively managing my condition now rather than avoiding dealing with it before - but also because knowing that other people are going through the same has been really helpful and empowering. As much as living with OCD can sometimes feel very lonely and isolating, having access to advice from those who have gone through it themselves has been invaluable in reminding me there is always hope for a better future.

OCD will never go away completely, but by embracing it instead of being afraid of it, I’m learning how to live happily alongside my condition.


I completely understand what you’re going through. Living with OCD can make life feel incredibly overwhelming and exhausting - it’s like you’re constantly under a cloud, never quite knowing when the storms will hit. But I’m so glad to hear that you’ve reached a place where you’re now embracing your condition instead of avoiding dealing with it. That takes incredible strength and courage!

When my diagnosis was confirmed, I felt overwhelmed by all of the steps I thought I would have to take in order to manage my OCD. It can be really daunting putting things into practice, but it makes such a difference when the tips become routine rather than feeling like an uphill battle.

It’s also sometimes hard not to feel overwhelmed when we are constantly reminded that there is no easy fix. We each have our own individual journey, and it’s about finding what works for us and working on ourselves each day - even if progress feels slow at times. It helps me knowing that there is always someone out there who understands what I am going through, so thank you for sharing your experiences!

Thanks for sharing your story. Reading it made me feel like I’m not the only one out there who is going through similar struggles. It’s so inspiring to hear that you found a way to manage your condition after deciding to embrace it and be open to strategies that could help you - it has been encouraging to read about your progress thus far.

I’m here for you if ever you need someone to talk to, and I’m confident there are plenty of other people in this forum who would be willing to lend an ear too. Taking that first step towards managing our conditions isn’t easy, but the more we speak openly about our experiences the more empowered we become, and the easier it is to find comfort in knowing we’re not alone.

I completely understand what you’re going through - it can be incredibly daunting knowing just how much impact OCD can have on your life. But it’s incredibly admirable that you decided to take charge and embrace it instead of letting it control you! I’m so glad you found strategies that have been helpful in managing your condition, and the comfort and support of knowing there are people out there who can relate to what you’re going through.

To me, the fact that you’re putting yourself first in this situation is nothing short of inspiring. It’s never easy to take control but it’s necessary to make sure we don’t feel overwhelmed by our condition. Hang in there - things will get better as long as you stay focused on taking active steps towards reclaiming your life!

Hey, I totally understand where you’re coming from. Living with OCD can be really tough and accepting it is a big step. It’s awesome that you’ve found some strategies that work for you - that’s a huge win! And you’re so right about feeling less alone when you connect with others who are going through the same thing. It’s like having a built-in support system. Keep embracing and managing your OCD - you’re doing great and it’s inspiring to hear your positivity. We’re all in this together, and there’s definitely hope for a brighter future. Keep on keeping on!

Thank you for sharing your experience with OCD. It takes a lot of courage to embrace and come to terms with our mental health challenges. I can totally relate to the feeling of isolation and loneliness that comes with OCD, but finding support and learning from others who have been through it has made such a difference for me too. It’s amazing how our perspective can shift when we actively manage our condition instead of avoiding it. I’ve also found empowering strategies to help me realign my thoughts and live alongside my OCD. It’s a constant work in progress, but knowing that there’s hope for a better future is truly motivating. Keep embracing and managing your OCD - you’re not alone in this, and there’s always room for growth and happiness. Wishing you continued strength and resilience on this journey.

Hey, I’m 40 and I’ve been living with OCD for years too. I totally get where you’re coming from - embracing something like OCD can seem impossible at first. But it’s awesome that you’ve been actively managing it and finding strategies that work for you. It’s not easy, but it’s really empowering to know that we’re not alone in this. Like you said, OCD won’t disappear, but learning to live alongside it is key. Keep doing what you’re doing and remember that there’s always hope for a better future. We got this!

Hey, I can totally relate to what you’re going through. Living with OCD can feel so overwhelming and lonely at times. It’s really admirable that you’ve made the decision to embrace it and take an active role in managing it. I’ve found that learning from others who have gone through similar experiences has been a game-changer for me too. It’s like this whole new world opened up to me once I realized I wasn’t alone in this. And you’re so right - OCD will never fully go away, but we can definitely learn to live alongside it and still find happiness. It’s all about finding what works for us and not letting it define us. Keep doing what you’re doing, and remember that you’re not alone in this. We’ve got this!