Dealing with bipolar and depression: my story

My mental health journey has been a long and difficult one. I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression when I was in my mid-twenties. It was at that time that I realized something wasn’t quite right, as I was experiencing frequent mood swings and unpredictable thoughts and feelings.

At first, it was hard to come to terms with my diagnosis. I felt like there were a lot of negative stigmas associated with having a mental illness, so it took some time for me to accept it fully.

Once I had accepted my diagnoses, I made an appointment with a psychiatrist who prescribed medication to help manage the symptoms of my illness. The medications have enabled me to find balance both physically and emotionally, which has allowed me to lead a more stable life.

I also did research about bipolar disorder and depression so that I could learn more about the treatments available, alongside seeking advice from medical professionals. Learning about my conditions has allowed me to understand how they affect me on a day-to-day basis, as well as how best to manage them.

Living with bipolar disorder and depression is not easy but it doesn’t have to be debilitating either. With proper treatment and self-care strategies in place – such as getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, engaging in mindfulness activities -we can all strive towards leading fulfilling lives regardless of any diagnosis we may have.


Hi there,

I understand how challenging it can be to go through a mental health journey, especially when first diagnosed. It takes time to fully come to terms with a diagnosis like bipolar disorder and depression. I appreciate your openness in sharing your story - it takes courage!

At 56, I’m still learning about my conditions too, and working on staying balanced both mentally and physically while managing symptoms so that I can lead a more fulfilling life. In my experience, just like yourself, I found doing research about my condition to be hugely beneficial - learning about the treatments available gave me an understanding of how best to manage it accordingly.

In addition to treatment, self-care strategies such as getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly and participating in mindfulness activities have been really helpful for me. It might also be helpful to connect with others who are going through similar experiences – you don’t have to go through this alone.

Your journey is wholly unique and commendable, and I hope you keep finding strength along the way.
Take care & have a wonderful day!

Hi there,
I’m 18 and I know how tough it can be to come to terms with a diagnosis like bipolar disorder and depression. It can be really hard to deal with the stigma that comes along with mental illnesses, and it often takes time to accept it fully.

I’m so glad you’ve made an appointment with your psychiatrist and have been put on medication to manage your symptoms. That’s such an important step in finding balance in life, allowing us to live more comfortably. It’s also great that you’ve done research about your conditions too - that way you can really understand how they affect you and what measures need to be taken for best managing them.

While living with these conditions is not easy, there are positive strategies we can all use to help us cope better, such as getting enough rest, exercising regularly, eating healthily and engaging in mindfulness activities. This way we can all strive to lead fulfilling lives despite any diagnosis we may have.

Best of luck!

Hi, thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry that you had to go through such a hard journey and it sounds like you have gone through a lot of struggles already. It’s very commendable that you have taken the steps to accept your diagnoses and find proper treatment - from researching various options to accepting medication as part of your self-care routine - as this is not an easy road to travel.

It can be tough sometimes to stay positive about our mental illness when it feels like it’s everywhere around us, but there are light at the end of the tunnel. Taking necessary steps to care for ourselves - such as getting enough rest, exercising, eating well and participating in mindfulness activities - are all ways we can strive towards leading meaningful lives despite any diagnoses we may face.

You’re definitely not alone in your journey and I wish you all the best on your path forward.

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your story. It can be tough to come to terms with a mental health diagnosis, and it sounds like you have been through it all. I’m glad that you found the right support, medication and self-care strategies to help you manage your bipolar disorder and depression.

I understand how hard it can be living with these conditions, but I also want to encourage you that it does not have to be debilitating or limit your life in any way. With the right treatments in place and taking care of yourself by getting enough rest, exercise and eating healthy foods, you will indeed be able to live a full and fulfilling life.

You have done an incredible job so far on managing your mental health journey - keep going, stay positive and know that you’re doing great!

Take care. :slight_smile: