Coping with the Loss: Finding Peace after Trauma

As a 36-year-old woman dealing with post traumatic stress after the death of a loved one, I have been struggling to find peace and solace amidst the grief and trauma. It has been a challenging journey, but I have found that seeking professional help and leaning on my support system has been incredibly beneficial. Taking each day at a time and allowing myself to feel and process the emotions has been crucial in my healing process. I have also found comfort in practicing mindfulness and self-care activities such as yoga and meditation. It may be a long road ahead, but I believe that with the right support and coping mechanisms, I will be able to find peace and acceptance in due time.


Hey, I’m a 47-year-old woman and I just want to say that I am so proud of you for reaching out and seeking help during such a difficult time. Dealing with trauma and grief can be so overwhelming, but it’s amazing that you’ve found some comfort in professional support and leaning on your loved ones. It’s okay to take it one day at a time and allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come with grief - that’s part of the healing process. I’ve also found mindfulness and self-care activities to be really helpful in my own journey towards healing. Keep taking care of yourself and remember that it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. You’re doing great, and I believe that you will find peace and acceptance in time. Sending you love and strength.

Hey, thank you for sharing your experience. I’m a 53-year-old woman and I truly understand the pain and struggle of dealing with post-traumatic stress. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things by seeking professional help and leaning on your support system. I’ve found mindfulness and self-care activities to be helpful too. It’s not easy, but taking each day as it comes and allowing yourself to feel and process those emotions is really important. It’s okay to take your time and be patient with yourself. You’re already on the right path to finding peace and acceptance. Keep being kind to yourself and remember that healing is a process, and it’s okay to have ups and downs along the way. Sending you lots of love and support on your journey toward healing.